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Customer Segments common questions

Frequently asked questions about creating and managing customer segments.

Updated this week

Segmentation allows you to create specific customer groups, which you can send targeted marketing campaigns or automation. This guide contains answers to frequently asked questions around segments.

Custom Tags

Q. Can I segment by tags?

A. Yes, you can run a custom tag import to give customers the appropriate tag for segmenting purposes. Once that import is complete, you will be able to run that segment by custom tag.

📝 Note: it is not possible to tag a customer with multiple tags in one import. You will need to run separate imports for multiple tags. However, you can run a segment with multiple tags.

Q. If a customer is blacklisted in loyalty and the segment is set up to exclude those same blacklisted tags listed in loyalty, is there a way for that to automatically pull through or will I have to retag those blacklisted customers in Marsello for segmenting purposes?

A. Segmenting by tag will only work for tags created via Marsello, not the integration.

Q. I've created a custom segment for customers with a certain tag. What happens if one of these customers unsubscribes from email marketing? Will they exit the segment automatically?

A. Tagged customers who unsubscribe will remain part of the segment. However, they will be unable to receive any further marketing messages.

Q. I am planning to run a custom tag import, however, the customers I'm tagging already exist in Marsello. Will this update the customers' existing marketing status to opted-in?

A. Existing customers will only be tagged as their opt-in status is not updated. However, if you include new customers in this list, the importer will adjust the opt-in when they are created in Marsello.

Q. Can I bulk remove custom tags from my Marsello app admin?

A. Currently there isn't a feature that will allow you to go run a bulk removal of custom tags from customer accounts in your Marsello app admin. If this is an update you need to make within your Marsello custoemr database, please reach out to our support team.

Q. I've added customers to a segment using a custom tag and realized I've left some off. Can I add these customers to my existing segment?

A. Yes, you can import these new customers using the same tag and they should be added to the segment. Alternatively, you can use a different tag and add the conditional row using the connector.

Q. What is the best way to award my top customers an extra 100 bonus loyalty points and notify them?

A. To award extra loyalty points to your top customers, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Custom Segment:

    • Use the segment builder to define the criteria for identifying your top customers.

    • Alternatively, select one of the prebuilt "Best" or "Loyal" RFM segments.

    • Once done, save your segment.

  2. Set Up a Custom Automation:

    • Create a new custom automation and select the segment you just created as the target audience.

    • Craft your automation message, ensuring it resonates with your audience.

    • Include a "points" step in the automation to award the extra loyalty points.

Q. How can I find a complete list of customers who accept marketing?

A. You can generate a list of customers who accept marketing via the segment feature in your Marsello dashboard.

To create a segment of customers who accept email marketing:

  • Go to Customers > Segments > Create segment

  • Use the segment conditions "email address" "has any value"

    • This will generate a list of all customers who have provided an email address and accept marketing.

  • Don't forget to save your segment.

    • Please note if you'd like to have a copy of this segment saved to your computer, you may export the segment. The export, however, will include all customers who have provided an email despite their accepts marketing status. If you would like a saved file of the customers who only accept marketing you will need to run a filter on the .csv keeping those customers whose status of the accepts marketing column is "true".

To create a segment of customers who accept SMS marketing:

  • Go to Customers > Segments > Create segment

  • Use the segment conditions "mobile" "has any value"

    • This will generate a list of all customers who have provided an mobile number and accept marketing.

  • Don't forget to save your segment.

  • Please note if you'd like to have a copy of this segment saved to your computer, you may export the segment. The export, however, will include all customers who have provided a mobile despite their accepts marketing status. If you would like a saved file of the customers who only accept marketing you will need to run a filter on the .csv keeping those customers whose status of the accepts marketing column is "true".

Q. When creating a segment of customers who have never purchased, why do I see more customers in the segment export than what I see in the Marsello dashboard?

A. Exported Marsello segments include all customers who meet the segment's conditions, regardless of their marketing status. However, the report displayed in your Marsello dashboard shows only customers who meet the segment criteria and have accepted marketing.

Q. Is there a way to save my custom segment feature to my local machine as it exports?\

A. We have updated the customer and custom segment CSV export feature. Export files will no longer be saved directly to your local machine. Instead, they will be sent to your login email address once the export process is complete.

If you don't see the export email in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. To avoid duplicate requests that could overload our database, the same export can only be requested once every 30 minutes.

Creating Custom Segments

Q: I’ve created my segment conditions but there are no customers showing in the segment. What could be wrong?

A: If you're not seeing any customers in your segment, it's worth double checking your segment conditions. Ensure that you've correctly configured your "AND" / "OR" statements.

  • "AND" requires all conditions to be true for a customer to enter the segment

  • "OR" requires at least one condition to be true.

Q. For segments set to the total number of purchases, for example, total number of purchases is "5", will the customer exit the segment once their 6th order is placed?

A. Yes, upon making their 6th purchase, the customer would no longer meet the segment conditions and will exit the segment.

Q. Will removed customers display in the custom segment?

A. Removed customers will not receive emails as they have been unsubscribed. However, their names will still appear in the segment report.

Q. I have multiple sites connected and wish to create a segment of customers who have purchased from POS and then another segment of customers who purchased online. If a customer has purchased from both which segment will they enter?

A. Both. Segments are looking for an order from either the POS or eCommerce site. If there’s an order, the customer will appear.

Q. When using the created at-date custom segments feature, is this the date the customer entered the integration (e.g. Shopify/Vend), the date they synced into Marsello initially, or made a purchase?

A. This uses the date initially synced through Marsello.

Q. Is it possible to create customer segments based on loyalty rewards claimed?

A. Currently, it is not possible to create customer segments based on the loyalty rewards claimed. If this is something that will be helpful to your store, please contact our support team and ask them to put through a feature request.

Q. Is it possible to create segments based on days and not dates?

A. Currently, it is not possible to create customer segments based on days and note dates. If this is something that will be helpful to your store, please contact our support team and ask them to put through a feature request.

Q. Is it possible to create segments according to industry standards, for example, the food industry?

A. Currently, it is not possible to create segments based on industry standards. If this is something that will be helpful to your store, please contact our support team and ask them to put through a feature request.

Q. If I sent an email campaign with two segment conditions, one of which includes a specific customer, and one that excludes that customer, will that customer still get the email?

A. When the customers are received, the segment should get the customers that are in the segments, it will not consider the ones that are not. So if a customer appears in one segment and not another, they should be part of the audience. It is recommended that each segment condition should be separated by "OR".

Q. Is there a way to segment customers based on their total purchase amount on a specific day?

A. Currently, it is not possible to create a segment of customers based on their total purchase amount on a specific date. If this is something that will be helpful to your store, please contact our support team and ask them to put through a feature request.

In the meantime, you can still achieve this goal by creating a segment for that purchase date, export the data and sort it by amount spent. Next, you can re-import the specific figure customers as a custom tag and create a custom segment.

Q. Is it possible to unsubscribe customers from a segment?

A. To remove a customer manually from a segment, you would have to edit the segment and change the settings to something like “email is NOT xxx” to exclude someone.

Q. For the custom segment condition "site purchased from is:", if a customer shops at a few different sites will they have multiple sites tied to the account? If the merchant has created a custom segment specific to each of their locations could the customer be included in multiple of these segments?

A. If a customer has made a purchase from various sites on a single account, and the merchant has set a condition for each of those sites, the customer should be in each segment where they had purchased from that site yes.

Q. Is it possible to use Mailchimp's segment data and sync it through to Marsello?

A. Unfortunately, no. The integration with MailChimp is a one-way sync from Marsello to MailChimp.

Q. Are segments supposed to display the most current number of customers when accessing the main segment page?

A. The total number of customers in the segment refreshes when the page is loaded. It is recommended to click into the segment to refresh the number of customers.

Q. Are there any known limitations for the 'mobile start with' condition in segmenting? Do we need to add in a country code as well as the area code or are we safe to just pop in the area code?

A. The condition 'mobile starts with' definitely needs the country code because we read the customer's mobiles from the beginning. Please note that you will also need to indicate the '+'.

Q. Is there a way to tag customers via import using mobile as the unique identifier rather than the customers' email?

A. Marsello uses the customer's email address as the unique identifier. Any custom tag imports will require an email address to be successful.

Q. Is there a cap on the number of segments I can have in my Marsello admin?

A. No, there isn't a cap on the number of segments you can have in your Marsello account.

Q. Is it possible to search for a SKU, and the sales history for that SKU in Marsello? (Example: Show me all the people who have purchased a specific product)

A. Yes, you can create a segment to see customers who have purchased a specific product.

Q. I'm looking to segment by store location and send site-specific campaigns. I'm sure I have customers who shop at both locations. Can I expect to see the customer appear in both segments or will the customer only appear in one segment?

A. A customer can belong to multiple segments. If you send one email to an audience that includes both segments, the customer will only receive one email. Similarly, if you send different emails to each segment at the same time, the customer will receive just one email. However, if one email is sent at 10 AM and another at 3 PM, the customer will receive both emails because they were sent outside the 2-hour safe sending window.

Q. Can I set up a segment for trade customers and send out trade specific emails? Are there any loyalty metrics in place for trade?

A. Yes, you can run a custom tag import of trade customers and then run the segment based on that tag. It is quite common for merchants to tag and segment customers. Currently, there isn't a feature that hosts loyalty metrics for trade customers. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.

Q. Can I create a custom segment based on historical purchase data?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature available that will allow you to segment customers based on their historical purchase data. If this is a feature you are interested in seeing, please let our support team know of your interest.

Q. What is the best way to run a segment of customers who haven't opened a campaign?

A. The segment conditions "campaign email sent" "is" "name of campaign" AND "campaign not opened" "is" "name of campaign" will provide you with a list of customers who haven't opened a campaign.

Q. Is there a way to run a custom segment of customers who have signed up via a Shopify footer form?

A. Currently there isn't a feature available that will allow you to segment customers based on signing up from a Shopify footer form. If this is a feature you are interested in seeing, please let our support team know of your interest.

Q. Does Marsello sync "location of the sale" with Klaviyo integration?

A. Yes, the location of the sale is synced across and merchants are able to create segments or customer lists based on the location the order was placed.

Q. Is there a way we can create a custom segment for customers whose birthdays is in a specific month?

A. Yes, you can create a custom segment for the customers whose birthdays are in a specific month, for example, April. To do this you would need to set the segment conditions "birthdate" "is between" "1 month" and "30 month".

Q. If I create a custom segment on Monday and want to use this segment as the audience for a campaign I'm sending on Friday, will that segment refresh so that any new customers that meet the segment conditions will be included on Friday's mailing?

A. Yes, if you are using a custom segment as your audience for a campaign, this will refresh just prior to sending out to ensure that only those customers meeting segment conditions will receive the campaign.

Q. Is it possible to segment customers by birth month? For example, I'm looking to create a segment of customers born in July regardless of year.

A. Currently it is not possible to create a segment of customers based solely on their birth month. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.

Q. Can I export a list of my custom tags from Marsello?

A. Currently there isn't feature that will allow you to export a list of your custom segments within Marsello. If this is a feature you'd like to see, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.

Q. I am about to run a custom segment and believe there maybe a customer or two on the list who have previously unsubscribed from email marketing. Will their marketing status remain the same (unsubscribed) and is it expected to not see the customer included in my custom segment?

A. If you run a custom segment whose conditions include those customers who have previously unsubscribed from email marketing, the customer's information remains untouched during the segment creation process.

If you are creating a custom segment via an import and the import list contains customers who have previously unsubscribed from marketing, the customer's information will remain untouched and the customer will not appear as marketable in the segment Marsello uses the marketing flag from your sales platform as the source of truth.

The only time a customer's marketing flag is noted as accepts marketing via a segment is when importing a new customer into the Marsello database.

Q. I want to send my email only to a certain group of customers in my Lightspeed customer list. How do I do that?

A. If you are wanting to send an email to a specific customer group in your Lightspeed customer list, it is recommended to first create a custom segment in your Marsello dashboard. Once this segment is created named and saved, use this segment as the audience for your email campaign.

Q. I would like to create a segment to view each customer's year-to-date spend. Is there a way to do this?

A. You can create a custom segment to review each individual customer's year-to-date spend. To do this, it is recommended to use the parameters "current year to date spend" "greater" "0". This will pull up a listing of your customers who have purchased this year.

Q. Do you have a segment condition that will allow me to pull a list of one time buyers of product X?

A. Currently, there isn't a segment condition that will pull a listing of one-time buyers of a specific product. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.

Q. I've imported a list of customers using the custom tag to note their birthday month but not everyone is showing in the segment. How come?

A. Customer segments are designed to only show those customers who accept marketing at the integration when reviewing the segment in your Marsello dashboard. Customers who have been imported via a custom tag and do not accept marketing will appear on the export of your segment. Customers who are flagged "does not accept marketing" will not receive your marketing messages from Marsello.

Q. Why is the number of customers I've tagged for my customer segment different to what is appearing in the segment?

A. If you notice a difference in the number of customers appearing in your custom tag segment, this is because segments displayed in your Marsello dashboard only include those customers who accept marketing. If you'd like to confirm everyone who should have the custom tag has been tagged correctly, you can run an export of the segment via your Marsello dashboard. An export segment will list those customers who accept and do not accept marketing.

Q. Is it possible to create a custom segment by when a customer signed up for email marketing?

A. Currently, there isn't a segment condition that will allow you to segment customers by when they signed up for email marketing.

Q. Is there a way to see how much each customer has spent so far this year?

A. Yes, you can use the custom segment feature to determine how much each customer has spent so far this year. To create this segment use the conditions "Current year to date spend" "greater than" "0".

Q. Is there a way to see which customers have purchased a specific brand from my store?

A. You can use the custom segment feature in your Marsello dashboard to see which customers have purchased a specific brand or collection. To create this segment, use the segment conditions "product collection purchased" "is" and select the brand or collection from the drop-down menu.

Q. Can I segment customers by age or gender?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will enable you to segment customers by age or gender. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know of your interest.

Q. Can I create a segment of customer billing addresses?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that can create a segment of customers by billing address. If this is a feature you would be interested in, please let our support team know of your interest.

Q. What is the best way to create a segment that will allow me to automatically re-send an email to those customers who did not open the campaign?

A. To create a custom segment of customers who did not open a campaign, use the following conditions:

  • Campaign email sent is

  • Campaign open date is not

  • Email last open date is not

Alternatively, you can boost your campaign in the campaign settings before scheduling it. This will ensure the campaign is automatically resent to customers who did not open it, 48 hours after the initial send.

Q. Am I able to add a single customer to a segment?

A. You are welcome to create a segment that contains one customer. To create this segment you will need to use the parameters "email address" "is" and add the email address of the customers and save the segment.

Q. Can customers opt-in to a segment of their choosing?

A. Customers cannot currently opt-in to a segment of their choosing. If this is a feature you'd like to see, please let our support team know.

Q. Is it possible to reorder the list of segments in my segment tab so that they are organized alphabetically?

A. Currently there isn't a feature that will enable you to organize your segments alphabetically. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.

Q. Are segments case sensitive?

A. No, segments are not case sensitive.

Q. Can I send an email to random customers in a custom segment?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to send an email to random customers in a custom segment. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team and let them know.

Q. Is there a way to create a segment with an exclusion from another segment?

A. Currently, there is no feature to exclude customers from another segment while creating a new one. If you’re interested in this feature, please let our support team know.

As a workaround, use custom tags when creating custom segments. This allows you to add a condition like "custom tag is not" to exclude customers from a specific segment.

Q. Is there a way to upload customer match lists from Marsello to Google Ads?

A. Currently, there isn't an integration available with Google Ads. Marsello does offer an integration with Facebook Ads Manager for syncing custom segments.
Please let our support team know if you are interested in an integration with Google Ads.

Segment by Forms

Q. If a customer already has a profile in Marsello and they enter their details via a form, will their profile appear under the segment conditions 'sign up form is x'?

A. If a customer already exists and fills out a form, they will NOT appear associated with that form.

Q. I've added custom fields to my sign-up form to collect more details about customers. Is it possible to segment customers based on these form fields?

A. Currently, it is not possible to create customer segments based on custom data collection fields added to your form. If this is something that will be helpful to your store, please contact our support team and ask them to put through a feature request.

RFM Segments

Q. Is there a defined amount of time to determine which customer goes into what segment?

A. Yes, customers are placed into their RFM segment based on their individual average purchase cycles. (A purchase cycle is the average number of days between a customer making one purchase and then their next purchase.)

  • Customers placed in the new, loyalty, promising and best RFM segments would have purchased within the last purchase cycle

  • Customers placed in the at-risk RFM segment would not have purchased in one purchase cycle

  • Customers placed in the lost RFM segment would not have purchased in the last two purchase cycles

Q. How long have customers not shopped with us to be in the at risk customer section?

A. If a customer misses one purchase cycle, they move to the at-risk category. Missing two cycles places them in the lost category. The store-specific purchase cycle is available in the Analytics section.

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