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Customize your loyalty automation templates
Customize your loyalty automation templates

Customize your customer loyalty emails and keep them in line with your brand using Marsello's easy-to-use email editor.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Customizing your customer loyalty emails with Marsello is easy and hassle-free. With the drag-and-drop editor, you can quickly create custom email templates and add content with the text editor. Once ready, you can send test emails to make sure it looks the way you want it to before sending it out to your customers.


How to customize your email templates

Open the automation to customize

1. In your Marsello admin, go to Loyalty > Automations and click on the edit button next to the presetautomation or previously drafter automation you wish to customize.

In the Marsello admin interface, navigate to Loyalty > Automations. The edit button next to the selected preset or previously drafted automation is highlighted to begin customization.

2. Confirm you wish to edit this automation by clicking the Edit automation button.

Confirm you wish to edit this automation by clicking the Edit automation button.

Update your email subject lines

3. Click on the pencil icon to edit any of the settings for the preset individual email messages.

Screenshot showing a pencil icon highlighted, indicating the option to edit the settings for preset individual email messages.

4. This will open a form which will allow you to update the email settings (including subject line). Once you have updated this form, select edit email to begin customizing this message.

A form opens allowing updates to the email settings, including the subject line. The 'Edit Email' button is highlighted to begin customizing the message after updates.

๐Ÿ’ก Pro Tip: 33% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line alone. Use merge tags to make your email subject line relevant and personalized using your member data and loyalty activity.

Customize your email messaging

5. Click Edit email on the Email settings menu to open your email template.

Click Edit email on the Email settings menu to open your email template.

6. This will open your email template. Here you can edit your email message, adding your store's voice and tone to your loyalty emails.


Tools available in the Marsello editor to edit your message

In your email template editor you can:

  • edit your font settings

  • highlight linked text

  • change the color your message's buttons

  • insert tables and lists

  • create links for relevant webpages

  • insert images from the web

Edit your font settings

1. While your email template is open, double-click in the text box where you wish to update the font style. This will open a secondary email editor where you can choose from several different fonts.

2. Highlight the text you wish to change the font style of and select a new font from the drop-down menu.

Highlight the text you wish to change the font style of and select a new font from the drop-down menu.

Highlight link text

1. While your email template is open, double-click in the text box where you wish to highlight link text. This will open a secondary email editor where you can update the link color.

2. Highlight the text you wish to add a background color to and select the new color from the drop-down menu.

Highlight the text you wish to add a background color to and select the new color from the drop-down menu.

Change button color

1. While your email template is open, double-click in the button block where you wish to button color. This will open a secondary email editor where you can update the button color.

2. Select a new button background color from the menu.

Select a new button background color from the menu.

Create links for relevant website pages

1. While your email template is open, double-click in the content block where you wish to add a link for a relevant website page. This will open a secondary email editor that will give you the ability to add a link.

Email template is open with a content block selected. Double-clicking in the content block opens a secondary email editor, allowing the option to add a link to a relevant website page.
Email template is open with a content block selected. Double-clicking in the content block opens a secondary email editor, allowing the option to add a link to a relevant website page.

๐Ÿ’ก Pro tip: Select the target "New tab". That way, members can navigate back to your email easily.

Insert images

1. In your email template, drag and drop an image block into the desired location of your message.

Email template with an image block being dragged and dropped into the desired location within the message.

2. Your Image block placeholder will now be displayed in your email template.

3. Click into the Image content block. This will open a menu that will allow you to drag and drop or upload an image from your computer.

๐Ÿ“ Note: please ensure your image name does not contain any special characters, for example '@, &, +'

Clicking into the Image content block opens a menu that allows you to either drag and drop or upload an image from your computer.

Once the image has been uploaded, you can alter the image size, alignment and also remove it.

๐Ÿ“– Learn more about customizing images in automations here.

๐Ÿ’ก Pro Tip: The optimal email image width is 680px to make sure that your image is visible and doesn't disrupt your email layout.


How to personalize your email with merge tags

1. Open the automated message you wish to add a merge tag double-click into the text box field which will house the merge tag. This will open a second email editor where you can select the merge tag from a drop-down menu.

Open the automated message you want to edit. Double-click into the text box field where the merge tag will be placed, which opens a second email editor. The merge tag can then be selected from a drop-down menu.

2. Click Save Changes in the upper right corner. Your email template will then be updated. To preview your email with your merge tags, using fake data, click Send Test Email

Types of merge tags you can use

Your store details:

  • ##{{shop_name}} = Your store's name

  • ##{{points_given_reason}}= Reason member is receiving points (Customize text here)

Members' details:

  • ##{{member_firstname}} = Member's first name

  • ##{{member_lastname}} = Member's last name

Members' loyalty activity:

  • ##{{points_amount}}= Points amount member just earned

  • ##{{points_label}}= Points label

  • ##{{points_balance}}= Member's current points balance

  • ##{{vip_tier_name}}= Memberโ€™s current VIP tier

  • ##{{points_from_next_reward}}= Points needed to reach next reward

  • ##{{next_reward_title}}= The next reachable reward title

  • ##{{loyalty_widget_url}}= URL to open loyalty widget

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