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Customize your loyalty widget text

Customize (or translate) your loyalty widget text to suit your store.

Updated today

โš ๏ธ Important: This widget is no longer supported. All Marsello accounts are being migrated to the new Customer Portal. Learn more about the new Customer Portal here.

How to select a widget page to customize

You can customize all 8 pages of the loyalty widget.

2. On the Widget tab, click Customize Text to open the dropdown. Click Go to text editor > to open the customization page

3. Next to Customize text for: click Rewards tab to open the drop-down

4. Select the widget page you want to edit

How to customize the loyalty widget text

1. Edit (or translate) the text boxes to your preferred text

๐Ÿ’กQuick Tips:

  • Include the default merge tags and links to ensure your program works as it should

  • Keep your text short and simple to read

  • Add your brand's personality to your widget pages

  • Personalize text to your members by using merge tags

2. Click Save and Publish. Your loyalty widget will automatically update with your text changes.

3. Repeat this for all relevant loyalty widget pages

Available Merge Tags and links

Your loyalty widget text has default merge tags and links to help you personalize your widget text to your loyalty members. Here is a list of merge tags and where they can be used.

๐Ÿ“ Note: We recommend that you leave the existing merge tags and links to ensure your loyalty program works as it should. You can customize the text around them.

Rewards page

In Header Text you can use:

  • ##{{first_name}}: A member's first name e.g. John

  • ##{{points_balance}} ##{{points_label}}: Number of loyalty points e.g. 20 points

  • ##{{points_label}}: Loyalty points

On your birthday page

In the Header Text you can use:

  • ##{{birthday_points}} ##{{points_label}}: Number of loyalty points awarded on your birthday

In the Instructions text you can use:

  • ##{{points_label}}: Loyalty points

Complete profile page

In theHeader Text you can use:

  • ##{{join_bonus}} ##{{points_label}}: Number of loyalty points awarded for signing up

Claim referral coupon page

In the Header Text you can use:

  • ##{{first_name}} ##{{last_name}}: A member's full name

  • ##{{store_name}}: Your store name

In the Instructions text you can use:

  • ##{{join_bonus_message}}: Message regarding the join bonus

Referral link page

In the Header Text you can use:

  • ##{{refer_bonus_points}} ##{{points_label}}: Number of points awarded for making a referral

In the Instructions text you can use:

  • ##{{referred_bonus_reward}}: Bonus points awarded for joining from a referral

๐ŸŽจ Formatting HTML Basics

  • To bold important parts of sentences use <strong>insert your text here</strong>

  • To italicize parts of sentences use: <i>insert your text here</i>

  • To underline parts of sentences use: <u>insert your text here</u>

  • To drop text down onto a new line use: insert text here<br>insert your text here

  • To insert a link into your text use: <a href="insert your URL link here" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline"><span class="color-theme">Insert your text here</span></a>

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