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Create Advanced Customer Segments

Learn how to create more targeted customer segments with complex conditions, segment rules and review common segmentation examples.

Updated over a month ago

Before you get started

  • Before creating an advanced customer segment, take a look at our article Create Custom Segments, which explains the basic steps to creating a custom segment.


Creating an advanced customer segment

In your Marsello app admin, navigate to Customers > Segments and click Create Segment. Here you can begin adding conditions that customers must meet to enter your segment.

To create advanced segmentation, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the following settings:

The "AND/OR" Segment Condition

The AND/OR button allows you to dictate how conditions interact.

  • Selecting AND means that any conditions associated with that rule must all be met before a customer can enter the segment.

  • Selecting OR means either condition can be met for a customer to enter the segment. Toggle the button to select the relevant rule. The rule in blue is the one currently selected.

 The AND/OR button allows you to define how conditions interact. Selecting AND requires all associated conditions to be met for a customer to enter the segment, while selecting OR allows any condition to be met. Toggle the button to choose the relevant rule; the rule highlighted in blue indicates the current selection.

The "Add Condition" Segment Condition

Clicking this button will add another condition option to your segment. If you also add a group, you can choose to add a condition that applies within that particular group.

The "Add Condition" button allows you to add another condition option to your segment. If you add a group, you can specify a condition that applies within that particular group.

The "Add Group" Segment Condition

Clicking Add Group will create a separate group that can contain separate conditions. Conditions can either apply to the group itself, or within the group. You can create multiple groups of conditions within other groups.

Clicking "Add Group" creates a separate group that can contain its own conditions. Conditions can apply to the entire group or within specific conditions inside the group. You can create multiple groups of conditions nested within other groups.


Understanding Segmentation Rules

When working with multiple conditions and groups, it can quickly become confusing as to which and/or rule belongs to which condition or group.

Groups are distinguishable as they are divided into separate 'containers' connected by a grey relationship line.

Below, we can see a subgroup containing the conditions 'Total Purchases' or 'Total Spend' below two other conditions.

When managing multiple conditions and groups, it can become confusing to determine which AND/OR rule belongs to each condition or group. Groups are visually distinguishable as they are divided into separate 'containers' connected by a grey relationship line. Below, a subgroup is shown containing the conditions 'Total Purchases' or 'Total Spend' under two other conditions.

You'll notice each group or individual segment has an and/or rule sitting directly above it.

This rule applies to any multiple conditions or groups below. In the example above, we can see the first 'and' rule applies to the relationship between 'Current Points Balance', 'Age' and the entire group below.

The group below has an 'or' rule enabled, meaning any of the conditions within the group can be met, as long as the customer also meets the above conditions.

๐Ÿ’กQuick Tip: Follow the grey relationship lines to see which conditions are affected by which 'and/or' rule.

Where there is only one condition beneath an 'and/or' rule, that rule won't apply

Take a look at the example below. for a customer to enter this segment, they must have a points balance greater than 100, be over 18 years of age, and have made 10 purchases.

Even though the 'or' rule is selected within the subgroup, it doesn't apply in this case, as there is only one condition within that group.

In the example below, for a customer to enter this segment, they must have a points balance greater than 100, be over 18 years old, and have made 10 purchases. Although the 'OR' rule is selected within the subgroup, it doesn't apply here since there is only one condition within that group.

๐Ÿ’กQuick Tip: Ensure the condition you want to apply to all other rules is created first.

Advanced Segment Examples

1. Jason wants to send an automatic welcome email to customers who sign up via any of his forms. he only wants to email customers as they sign up, rather than those who have signed up previously.

 Jason aims to send an automated welcome email to customers who sign up through any of his forms, focusing only on new sign-ups rather than those who registered previously. He uses the conditions sign-up form has any value and created at date after.

๐Ÿ“ Note: The email mentioned in this example uses our Custom Automations feature.

2. Sophie wants to see a list of all females who have purchased from any of her three physical stores since the beginning of 2020.

Sophie wants to generate a list of all female customers who have made purchases at any of her three physical stores since the beginning of 2020. She uses the conditions Group 1 Gender is femal and last purchase date after. OR group two site purchase from is or site purchased from is.

3. Rhys wants to send an SMS message to a segment of customers with US mobile numbers who haven't opened one, or either of his last two email campaigns.

Rhys intends to send an SMS message to a segment of customers with US mobile numbers who have not opened either of his last two email campaigns. He uses the segment conditions mobile country code is AND group campaign email sent is OR campaign email sent.

4. Charlotte wants to email any of her customers who have given feedback during 2020. These customers also need to have spent at least $500 and have made 10 or more purchases or be in her 'Best' RFM segment.

Charlotte wants to email customers who provided feedback in 2020, ensuring they have spent at least $500 and made 10 or more purchases, or are part of her 'Best' RFM segment. She uses the segment conditions Last feedback received date is or RFM Customer segment is best AND a group condition total spend greater than or equal AND total purchases greater than or equal.

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