Also known as Lightspeed Ordering for O-Series
10 articles
How Bopple x Lightspeed Restaurant O-Series x Marsello work together
How customers join and interact with your loyalty program online with Bopple
Override the Marsello signup URL to the Bopple sign-up form for Whitelabel Bopple Merchants
QR code sign-up forms for Bopple
Receiving email & SMS marketing opt-in with Bopple
Update your email marketing to use your Bopple sign-up link
Enable SMS automation to boost profile completion on Bopple
Connect Bopple to Marsello
Bopple integration common questions
Marsello's best practices for White-label Bopple merchants using Lightspeed Restaurant (O-Series) POS and Lightspeed Ordering (Bopple)