Customer portal setup questions
Q. We are in the process of upgrading the Checkout Thank You and Order Status pages and one of the notices we received is that the Marsello app is not compatible with the new pages. What steps do we need to take to ensure compatibility?
A. If you have already switched to the new customer portal from the legacy loyalty widget there are no further steps you need to take. If you haven't already the switch, this help center guide will help.
Q. I've noticed a tab called "More" on my Customer portal. What information will the customer be able to access from this page?
A. The "More" tab of the Customer portal will allow the customer to access their profile details and change/update their accepts marketing status.
Q. What type of additional links can I add to my customer portal under the portal content settings?
A. Many Marsello merchants are adding additional links to their customer portal to provide their customers with more information. Some of the most common links we've noticed being added include:
Our stores - this includes a link to a Google maps page indicating where the stores are located
online order links that aren't already integrated to Marsello
Upcoming events including webinar signups, popup events, author signings, etc.
Q. I've changed the visibility setting of my customer portal from none to desktop but I still can't see the portal on my store. Why is that?
A. When updating the visibility settings, please confirm you have clicked both save and publish in order for the update to take effect.
Q. Can you enlarge the rewards widget?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to enlarge the rewards widget. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know of your interest.
Q. Is it possible to remove the "Powered by Marsello" line from the new customer portal?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature to remove the "Powered by Marsello" line from the new customer portal. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.
Q. Can I edit the wording in my customer portal to something more relative to my brand?
A. You can customize the name of your customer portal. To update this, follow these steps in your Marsello dashboard:
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal Device > Customer Portal.
Open the Wording drop-down menu.
Click on any text in the customer portal preview on the right to edit it.
Q. Can I change the location of my customer portal to a different place on my site?
A. Yes, you are welcome to change the location of the customer portal on your website. To update this in your Marsello dashboard, go to Customer experience > Personal device > Customer portal (Beta) and click on the Configuration drop-down menu. From the Position drop-down menu select your preferred portal position.
Q. Can I change the join now URL of the customer portal?
A. You can update the "Join Now" URL of the customer portal by overriding the signup URL. To do this, follow these steps in your Marsello dashboard:
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal Device > Customer Portal.
Under Additional Options, locate the toggle for Override Signup URL.
Switch the toggle to "On" and enter the new URL.
Q. How can I edit the CSS of the loyalty button to change its shape?
A. To edit the shape of the loyalty button from your Marsello app admin, go to Customer experience> Personal device > Customer portal > Brand Corners > Launcher to select the preferred shape.
Q. When I preview the customer portal, I am seeing the rewards being offered in dollars. Is there a way to change this to £GBP?
A. By default, the preview of the Customer Portal will indicate the dollar icon. You can update this by double-clicking on the dollar sign in the portal preview and updating this to better match the currency of your rewards program.
Q. Is there a way to remove the sign-in button in the top right-hand corner of the Customer Portal?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature to remove the "Sign-in" button from the top of the Customer Portal. However, you can customize its appearance to make it less prominent. To adjust the button's color:
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal Device > Customer Portal.
Under Brand settings, modify the Action Color to blend it more seamlessly with your portal’s design.
Q. Is it possible to auto-translate the Customer Portal?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will auto-translate your Customer portal. However, you can manually update the text. To do this:
Go to your Marsello dashboard.
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal Device > Customer Portal > Content > Wording.
Select the page you'd like to translate.
Choose the audience — either "Visitor" or "Customer".
Click on the wording you want to update directly in the preview portal; this will open a text box where you can make changes.
Q. Can you change the font size of specific text within the customer portal?
A. Currently, the Customer Portal Builder does not support changing the size of specific text elements. However, you can adjust the font size for the entire portal.
If you'd like this feature added, please let our support team know.
Q. Is it possible to have different images for the customer portal and the visitor portal?
A. Currently, it is not possible to have different images across the customer portal and the visitor portal. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is there a way to show VIP tiers on the Customer Portal?
A. Yes, you can show your VIP tiers program on the Customer Portal. To enable this feature:
Ensure your VIP program is live.
In your Marsello dashboard, go to Customer Portal > Customer Portal Content > Icons.
Toggle on the Tier icon option.
Q. Can I remove the heart icon that is displaying on my Customer Portal?
A. Yes, you can remove the launcher icon that is appears on your Customer Portal. To disable this feature:
In your Marsello dashboard, go to Customer Portal > Customer Portal Content > Icons
Toggle the Launcher icon option to off.
Q. Is it possible to customize the padding around the Customer Portal?
A. Currently, it is not possible to customize the padding around the Customer Portal. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is it possible to edit the text appearing in the VIP section of the customer portal? Currently, my currency is displaying as an "R" and I want to change it to a "$".
A. Yes, it is possible to update some of the wording in the VIP section of the customer portal. To update it:
Go to your Marsello dashboard.
Navigate to Customer experience > Personal device > Customer portal > Content.
Scroll to the VIP section in the portal preview.
Click on the text you want to update and make your changes.
Q. Is it possible to customize the "Earn Points" text on the customer portal tab to something else?
A. Yes, it is possible to customize the "Earn Points" text on the customer portal to say something else. To update it:
Go to your Marsello dashboard.
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal Device > Customer Portal.
In the top-right drop-down menu (above the portal preview), select Launcher.
Double-click the "Earn Points" text and update it to match your brand.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Q. Is there a way to hide the customer portal from being visible on mobile?
A. It is possible to prevent the customer portal from being visible on mobile. To update your settings in Marsello:
Navigate to Customer Experience > Personal device > Customer portal > Content
Toggle the on/off button to the launcher icon to off
Create a custom button for your online store and add your unique loyalty link to the button.
This way when a customer clicks on the custom button, they'll be directed straight to the Customer portal.
Q. Is it possible to reduce the size of the signup button or make it movable when scrolling down the portal?
A. Currently, it is not possible to change the size of the sign-up button or make it movable. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is there a button I can press to remove the current logo from my Customer Portal instead of replacing it with a new file? I want remove it altogether and not replace it with another
A. Currently, the Customer Portal does not have a 'clear' button for logos. If you'd like this feature, please let our support team know.
As a workaround, you can remove the logo by replacing it with a blank image.
Customers' Experience
Q. Is it possible to access the customer portal from a custom domain?
A. Currently, it is not possible to access the customer portal from a custom domain. If this is a feature you are interested in, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Q. If the customer updates their accepts marketing preferences via the customer portal, does this sync back into my connected Integration or does it just impact Marsello?
A. If a customer changes their marketing preferences, the update will be reflected only in Marsello. However, for Shopify merchants only will see the customer's marketing updated in both Marsello and Shopify.
Q. Are the logo and background images for the customer portal WCAG compliant?
A. The WCAG compliance guidelines address non-text content and require text alternatives for users. Within the Customer Portal, two key images are used for branding and personalization: the logo and the background image. The ALT text for the logo defaults to "logo," meeting the requirement for providing a text alternative. The background image, applied to the header of the portal, serves a decorative purpose and is not subject to the ALT text requirement of a standard image element. The Customer Portal currently meets the WCAG requirements for image accessibility.
Q. How would a customer using the customer-facing display/portal access their points if they were imported with mobile number only and they don't have an email address?
A. Customers can log in to the portal using their QR code, email, or mobile number. If multiple profiles are linked to the same mobile number, a prompt will ask staff to add the customer to the sale. It’s recommended to periodically check your customer database to avoid duplicate accounts, as Marsello uses the email address as the unique identifier.
Q. I want to save my digital membership card to my phone, however, I am using an Android device. Is this possible?
A. It is possible to save an image of your digital membership card to your Android device. To save this image:
Open the customer portal on your Android device and sign in to your customer account.
Select the card tab to open your unique QR code.
Long press onto the QR code to open the photo menu and select the option to download the photo
Open your photos app and select the QR code you have just downloaded
Double-click on the photo to open the photos menu and click Lens
This will open the weblink connected to your customer portal
General questions about the Customer portal
Q. Can I have both the customer portal and loyalty widget enabled at the same time?
A. It is recommended to not have both the customer portal and loyalty widget enabled at the same time.
Q. Is it possible for me to disable the QR code feature in the customer portal?
A. Yes, it is possible to disable the QR code feature in the customer portal. To do so, go to the customer portal content editor > customer card and toggle the on/off button for use customer card to off.
Q. Is it possible to embed the customer portal on my website?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will enable you to embed the customer portal on your website. If this is a feature you'd like to see, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.
Q. Can I enable dark mode on the customer portal?
A. Currently there isn't a feature that will enable dark mode for the customer portal. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is there a way to edit the security email triggered via the customer portal when a customer signs up?
A. Currently, there isn't a way to edit the security email triggered via the customer portal when a customer signs up. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Does the customer portal integrate with headless eCommerce via the API?
A. Currently, the customer portal does not integrate with headless eCommerce via the API. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is there a way to open the customer portal from a custom button?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to open a customer portal from a custom button. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.
Q. Is there a feature to add bullet points highlighting specific benefits of being in a VIP tier, such as exclusive events?
A. The customer portal will allow you to highlight specific benefits of being in a VIP tier such as exclusive events.
Q. Can I preview the customizations I make to the Customer Portal in real time?
A. Yes, you can preview all customer portal changes as you make them. Additionally, you can switch between the visitor and customer experience while making edits
Scanning questions
Q. Which scanner is recommended for use with the new customer portal?
A. When using the customer portal, it is recommended to get a scanner that’s compatible with both your POS system and product labels. It's important that the scanner can handle QR codes. We recommend opting for a 2D scanner. Most POS providers support the iSocket Scanner, which works with both Apple Wallet and the Customer Portal.
Additionally, you can change the barcode type in their Apple Wallet settings to be compatible with either a 1D or 2D scanner.
Here’s what you’ll find on the Apple Wallet Settings page:
For a 1D scanner: Choose either PDF 417 or Code 128 barcode
For a 2D scanner: QR code (recommended) or Aztec code Recommended approach
For the best scanning experience on smartphones, we suggest using a QR code with a 2D scanner.
Q. How can I connect a 2D scanner to my iPad for use with the Customer portal?
A. To connect a 2D scanner to an iPad for use with the Customer portal, you will need to pair the scanner via Bluetooth.
Q. My store doesn't have a 2D scanner, is there any way to change the customer card in the Customer portal from a QR code to a barcode to accommodate this?
A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will change the customer card from QR code to a barcode in the Customer portal. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know. In the meantime, it is recommended to use a scanner that is compatible with both your POS system and product labesl and can handle QR codes.
Integration-specific questions about the Customer portal
Q. Why isn't the customer portal appearing on my Shopify store?
A. If the customer portal is enabled but not appearing on your Shopify store, follow these steps:
In your Shopify admin, navigate to App Embeds and ensure the toggle for Marsello is enabled.
Save your theme to apply the changes.
Lightspeed Restaurant O-Series
Q. I have Lightspeed Restaurant O-Series and Shopify connected to the new customer portal. How can I be sure that customers aren't duplicating and having multiple accounts?
A. Marsello continues to use the customer's email address as the unique identifier. As long as the customer provides the same email address when creating an account in Shopify and Lightspeed Restaurant O-Series, the customer will have one Marsello account.
Q. I am using WooCommerce and would like to test the Customer Portal. Will I need to remove the Marsello for WooCommerce plugin in order to publish the portal? I'd also like to keep the legacy widget going while I'm testing the new portal, is this possible?
A. WooCommerce merchants will need to update the Marsello for WooCommerce plugin to gain access to the new customer portal. Unfortunately, there isn't a feature to run both the legacy widget and new customer portal at the same time. It is recommended to switch during quiet traffic hours.
Q. When my customers try to sign into the customer portal, they receive a 404-error. Why is that?
A. If Ecwid is your sales integration and your customers are receiving a 404 error, ensure that your account creation settings are enabled in Ecwid. If these settings are enabled and you are still receiving an error, please let our support team know.
Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series
Q. Is there a way to use the barcode scanner to scan the customers QR codes for loyalty purposes?
A. Currently, the ability to scan a Marsello QR code for loyalty purposes isn't a feature available for Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series brands. The barcode scanners for Lightspeed Restaurant K-Series are specifically designed for adding items while scanning QR codes is only available for gift cards and menu browsing. If this is a feature you are interseted in, please let our support team know.
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