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Social Common Questions

Frequently asked questions around connecting social channels to Marsello.

Updated over 4 weeks ago

Marsello Social General Questions

Q. What is the difference between Marsello and other social apps?

A. The key difference is that Marsello can measure sales generated by social posts.
The social media sales tracking (previously attribution) comes from those tagged products/collections. Note any promo codes in these posts have to come directly from the integration.

Q. If a merchant's business Facebook account is linked to a personal profile, will that personal profile appear in Marsello once the business profile is connected?

A. No, the merchant will need to pick the Meta account to add.

Q. What are some common Social terms I should be aware of?

A. Some frequently used terms used in Marsello social include:

  • Reach = amount of unique users that have seen the content

  • Impressions = The number of times your content is displayed

  • Engagement = likes, comments etc

  • Clicks = individual clicks on the post or CTA in the post

Q. Why can't I connect Facebook or Instagram to Marsello?

A. The merchant MUST connect their business Instagram & Facebook pages BEFORE they can complete the steps to connect them to Marsello.

Q. Can we have one Instagram account linked to multiple Marsello accounts?

A. Yes, you can link one Instagram account to Marsello accounts, however, it is not recommended as you may need to reconnect often.

Q. Are you integrated with Pinterest?

A. Currently, we do not have an integration with Pinterest. If this is an integration you would be interested in having, please reach out to our support team and let them know.

Q. Is it possible to link more than one Facebook business page to a Marsello account?

A. No, it isn't possible to link more than one Facebook business page (or more than one Instagram account or more than one TikTok account to a single Marsello account.

Q. I am using Marsello Professional, do I need to pay to use social as an add-on feature?

A. Marsello's social feature is currently included with your Marsello Professional plan.

Q. Can I post directly to YouTube from Marsello?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to post to YouTube through Marsello. However, if this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know of your interest.

Historical Sync

Q. Can I sync historical orders from social posts through to Marsello?

A. If you are using a Shopify, Lightspeed X-Series, Lightspeed, O-Series, Heartland POS or Cin7 Omni integration, it is possible to sync through your historical orders.

Q. Is Marsello able to sync historical posts?

A. Yes, once your social accounts are connected, your previous 100 posts will automatically sync through.

Q. Why aren't social stats not matching what is in Marsello?

A. If a merchant connects another social account AFTER the initial sign-up process the 100 posts will not automatically sync into Marsello. In the ‘Social Posts’ window click ‘Sync Posts’

Content Design

Q. Is there a way to remove the background using the editing tool with Marsello Social?

A. At the moment, there isn't a way to remove the background using the editing tool. Please contact our support team if this is a feature that will benefit your store and they will be able to put through a feature request on your behalf.


Q. Why aren't my TikTok Videos posting?

A. Marsello can auto-schedule TikTok video posts, but we are unable to auto-publish them. When you schedule a post, it will trigger a notification to your inbox on the day/time of send as a reminder. You can then publish from TikTok.

Q. Can I add add music to Reels in Marsello?

A. At the moment, this feature is not available. You will need to use Instagram's original content because of copyright. Please contact our support team if this is a feature that will benefit your store and they will be able to put through a feature request on your behalf.

Q. Can you tag people/users on Instagram posts?

A. Please use @instagramhandle to tag someone. In Marsello this will appear as text, however, it will tag the person/company when the post is published on Instagram.

Q. I can't seem to get my Facebook and Instagram sync going. What steps can I take to ensure it's working?

A. Recommended troubleshooting steps in this scenario are:

  • Disconnect social accounts

  • Ensure IG & FB are connected

  • Reconnect to Marsello

  • Confirm (with a screenshot) that all permissions are set to YES

Q. Is it possible to tag my scheduled Instagram photos and Instagram shop products instead of tagging them in the description?

A. Currently, it isn't possible to tag scheduled Instagram photos. Please contact our support team if this is a feature that will benefit your store. The team will submit a feature request on your behalf.

Q. Can I invite collaborators to schedule posts for Instagram?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow collaborators to schedule posts for Instagram. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know of your interest.

In the meantime, please note that you could create a Marsello login for a collaborator. However, keep in mind that this login will also grant admin rights to your overall Marsello account.

Q. Is it possible to edit a social post once it is scheduled to send?

A. Currently, there isn't a way to edit a social post while it is scheduled to be sent. You will need to cancel the scheduled send, edit the post, and schedule to send again. If this is a feature that would benefit your business, please let our support team know.

Q. If my brand generally uses Marsello to manage social media posts, but then they do an ad-hoc post directly from say the Instagram app - would this then display in Marsello the same as other posts? Or will Marsello only display posts that are done via Marsello?

A. If you create a post outside of Marsello and have that platform connected to Marsello, you will be able to sales track the post within Marsello.

Q. Is there a feature that will boost my social posts?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to boost your social posts. If this is a feature you are interested in, please let our support team know.

Linkin Bio

Q. Is there a recommended image size for the logo section of the link in the bio builder of the social feature?

A. In terms of size on the page, it is recommended to use 80px to 100px tall for square/round logos, and 40px to 64px tall for long logos. The easiest option is to upload the images that are this size and then turn auto-width 'on' in the builder.

If you want the logo to look crisp on high-resolution screens, the actual image should be 1.5x the screen size (so 120px to 150px or 60px to 96px). You can then resize the image on page using the image width in the builder. For square/round logos, an image width of 18% to 22% should do the trick.

Q. Is there a way to link Instagram posts via the link in bio?

A. Currently, there isn't a feature that will allow you to link Instagram posts via the builder. If this is a feature you are interested in, please reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest. In the meantime, if you'd like to have a small selection of your most popular posts visible, you could add an image block with the link to your social post.

Q. Can I sort the Linkin bio reporting by date?

A. Currently there isn't a feature that will allow you to sort the link in bio reporting by date. If this is a feature you are interested in, p[lease reach out to our support team and let them know of your interest.

Q. Can I link my loyalty program to Instagram so customers can check their loyalty points balances?

A. You can link your loyalty program to your Instagram profile by adding your unique loyalty link to your page.

  • eCommerce only and omnichannel merchants - your unique loyalty link is your online store URL with /?loyal

  • POS-only merchants- your dedicated customer portal domain

  • Bopple merchants - use your Bopple loyalty landing page


Q. Is it possible to track stories?

A. Yes, it is possible to track stories through Marsello. However, engagement stats (comments, reach) do not sync through at this stage.

Q. Am I able to edit my default sales tracking window for social posts?

A. Currently, this isn't a feature that is available. If this is something that would benefit your store please contact our support team. The team will be able to put through a feature request on your behalf.

Q. What is social media Sales Tracking? (previously named Attribution)

A. Social Media Sales Tracking Definitions:

  • Tagged Product and/or Product Collection:
    Any order that includes a product/collection tagged in a social media post within the specified sales tracking window.


  • Tagged Promo code:
    Any order that includes a promo code that was attached to the social media post.

Q. What is the recommended sales tracking time for my social posts?

A. The recommended sales tracking time for social posts is 24 hours. This is also the default setting for reporting. You may reduce this if you are testing which times or posts work best, however, it is recommended to keep this as close to 24 hours as possible.

Q. What happens when 2 x posts are made at the same time with a product tag? For example - If I post a Facebook post and an Instagram post with the same product tagged and a sale is made, will Marsello split the attributable revenue?

A. Currently, both posts will get the revenue.

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