If you're not quite ready to leave Mailchimp (or you want to take some extra time to move all your email automations and campaigns over to Marsello), you can automatically sync your Shopify customer data to Mailchimp using Marsello's Mailchimp addon. You can select from 12 customer and loyalty data points to sync to your MailChimp customer list and use these to create merge tags within Mailchimp.
Assign merge tags to your loyalty data
1. In your MailChimp Lists, select the list you'd like to add merge tags to
2. Click on Settings, and from the drop-down select List fields and *|MERGE|* tags
3. Identify the data fields you want to present in your email campaigns. Update the tag to something that represents the data so that you can easily add it to your emails.
For example:
Points Balance - *|POINTSBAL|*
Date since last order - *|LASTORDER|*
4. Click Save Changes to confirm your merge tags
Add a merge tag to an email template
1. In your MailChimp Templates, select the template you'd like to add merge tags to
2. Select an existing text block, or add a new one, to insert a merge tag
3. In your content editor, insert the merge tags where you'd like your customers loyalty data to be presented
The merge tag will automatically display the customer's relevant data when your email campaign is sent to them.
4. Click Save & Close to finalize your template changes
Preview your merge tags before sending a campaign
1. In your MailChimp Campaigns, click Create Campaign
2. In the pop-up window, select Email campaign
3. Give your campaign a name and click Begin
💡Tip: While you are creating this campaign for testing purposes, you may decide to use it as an actual email campaign, so name it accordingly.
4. In the To field, click Add Recipients. Select the customer list with your loyalty data and click Save.
5. In the Content field, click Design Email
6. On the Campaign design manager, navigate to the Saved Templates tab and select the template you have prepared
7. From the Preview and Test drop down, select Enter preview mode
8. On the preview page, toggle ON the option to Enable live merge tag info
The preview section will display your email, populated with the relevant loyalty data.
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