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Why Didn't My Customer Receive the Marketing Messages? Troubleshooting Guide for Campaigns
Why Didn't My Customer Receive the Marketing Messages? Troubleshooting Guide for Campaigns

Troubleshooting guide to help identify why a customer isn't receiving marketing messages as expected.

Updated over 2 months ago

Is your sales platform connected to Marsello?

To ensure your customers' "accepts marketing" status syncs correctly with Marsello, your sales platform must be connected. Marsello uses the status from your sales platform as the source of truth for determining whether a customer accepts marketing.

To confirm your sales platform is connected:

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations > Sales Platform

  2. If your sales platform is not connected, click Connect Sales Platform to complete the setup.

πŸ“ Note: Please check the Sales platforms section of our help center for more detailed help with individual integrations.

Does your customer accepts marketing?

If a customer isn’t receiving marketing messages, their "accepts marketing" status might be set to "does not accept marketing." To check their status in Marsello:

1. Navigate to Customers > All Customers and search for the customer by name

2. Open the customer's loyalty account and scroll to the Marketing section. Here, you can view the customer's Email marketing status and SMS marketing status.

πŸ“ Note: If the customer's marketing status shows doesn't accept marketing, the customer will not be sent any marketing emails from Marsello.

3. If the customer's marketing status is listed as "does not accept marketing," verify that this matches the status in your sales platform.

  • Mismatch in status: If the status in your sales platform shows "accepts marketing" but Marsello shows "does not accept marketing," contact our support team for assistance. They can resync the marketing statuses for your account.

  • Matching status: If the status matches, the customer will not receive marketing messages.

If the customer provides written consent to receive marketing messages, update their status in your sales platform. This update will automatically sync with Marsello.

Is your customer subscribed to transactional messages only?

In your Marsello dashboard, there is an optional setting to send transactional emails only to customers who accept marketing. To confirm this setting:

2. Scroll to the Marketing Opt-in Details section and check the setting labeled Only send transactional messages to customers who have opted in to marketing.

  • If the on/off toggle is switched on, customers who accept marketing will only be sent transactional messages.

  • If the on/off toggle is switched off, customers who accept marketing will receive marketing messages.

What settings have you saved in Marsello for your store's marketing opt-in details?

In your Marsello dashboard, there is an optional setting to prevent marketing messages from being sent unless the customer accepts marketing at all connected sites. To confirm this setting:

  1. Scroll to the Marketing Opt-in Details section

  2. Check the setting labeled Only send marketing messages to customers who accept marketing at all connected integrations.

  • If the on/off toggle is switched on, customers must accept marketing at all connected sales platforms in order to receive your marketing messages

  • If the on/off toggle is switched off, customers must accept marketing at least one connected sales platform in order to receive your marketing messages.

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