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Automations analytics
Automations analytics

Track your marketing automation results over time, see insights like overall delivery rate, open rate, revenue attributed and more.

Updated over a month ago

Choose your Analytics to display timeframe

By default, analytics display your lifetime results on Marsello. You can view your analytics during a specific timeframe by clicking on the date picker.

By default, automation nalytics shows your lifetime results in Marsello. To view insights for a specific timeframe, click the date picker and then click 'Apply

You can also choose the time period displayed on the analytics graphs
i.e. Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

By default, Analytics displays your lifetime results in Marsello. To view insights for a specific timeframe, click the date picker and select 'Apply

πŸ€– Data analytics: Your analytics are updated every 8 hours. Marsello analytics are calculated using data from after you've installed Marsello. The analytics page does not show historical data.

Automations analytics explained

The Automations dashboard displays everything you need to know about the success of your loyalty program. With these analytics, they will be able to make effective changes and iterations to your automated email flows.

Statistic Definitions:

πŸ“ Note: All of these statistics are measured against the selected timeframe.

  • Automations enabled: Total number of Automated email flows that are sent.

  • Emails sent: Total number of emails that have been sent as part of Automated email flows.

  • Delivery rate: The combined average delivery rate (%) of all your automated emails sent.

  • Open rate: The combined average open rate (%) of all your automated emails delivered.

  • Unique clicks: Total number of unique customers who have clicked on at least one automated email.

  • Click rate: The combined average click rate (%) of all your automated emails opened.

  • Automation revenue generated: Total amount of revenue that is directly attributed to Automated email flows. (This is displayed in your local currency, the $ is used to represent that it is a monetary value.)

  • New orders generated: Total amount of orders that are directly attributed to Automated email flows.

Key takeaways from graphs

Graph 1: Automation engagement over time

  • This graph tracks customers' engagement with automated emails over time.

  • This is a useful indicator of how many automated emails have been sent and delivered. This graph also indicates how many customers have opened or clicked on an automated email. Ideally, you want the 'Sent' and 'Delivered' lines to be as close as possible, the 'opened' close to 'delivered' and the 'clicked' as close to 'opened'.

πŸ“ Note: Customers can complete multiple actions and therefore can be represented on each line of the graph.

πŸ’‘ Ideas to improve deliverability
πŸ‘‰ To improve email deliverability, you could look to send from your own custom email domain.
πŸ‘‰ To improve open rates, you could look into ways to optimize your subject lines or experiment with what days and times you are sending your emails.
πŸ‘‰ To improve click rates, you need to make sure that you are including clickable content and have a clear call-to-action.

Graph 2: Automation revenue generated over time

  • This graph tracks the amount of revenue generated by automations over time (daily, weekly or monthly).

  • This is a useful indicator of your automations success and highlights which time period generated the most revenue.

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