You can manually adjust an individual or group of customers’ VIP Tier status’ (up or down tiers) without them needing to meet the tier’s entry requirement.
📝 Note: Customers automatically enter the next VIP tier once they meet the tier's entry requirement, either points earned or amount spent, Learn more.
How to assign an individual customer to a specific VIP tier
1. In the Marsello admin, go to Customers > All customers and search for the customer by name, email address or mobile.
2. Click into the customer's name to open their profile.
3. Under their customer profile, click Actions > Assign to VIP tier
4. In the drop-down, select the VIP Tier you’d like to assign them to
[Optional]: If you'd like this customer to be on this tier for their lifetime with your store, you can 'lock' them to this tier.
Select Lock the customer to the tier (Optional)
Or leave Lock the customer to the tier unselected to allow customers to move between tiers.
5. Click Save
📝 Note: If you'd like to remove the customer from their current VIP tier, please use the same process as above to assign them a new tier.
How to bulk assign a group of customers to specific VIP tiers
First, prepare a CSV file with customers' VIP tier status' ready to import. To ensure that your customer list is successfully imported into Marsello, it is important to update your CSV file format following the below steps:
1. Open your CSV as a spreadsheet of your customers
2. Delete all columns except the following:
First Name (values are required)
Last Name (optional)
Email Address (values are required)
Mobile (optional)
VIP Tier Name
⚠️ Important: The customer's first name and email address are required. If these values are missing, the CSV file cannot be imported into Marsello.
3. Update your column heading text to be the following:
First Name Column → Firstname
Last Name Column → Lastname
Email Address Column → Email
Mobile Number Column → Mobile
VIP status → Tiername
4. Review customers' tiers. Ensure that your spreadsheet 'Tiername' column follows the following guidelines:
Customer's 'tiername' value must match the tier name within your VIP Program.
If the VIP Program's tier name is "Gold Tier" it must match this exactly. e.g. If the tier name in the spreadsheet is "Goldtier" or "Gold-tier" it will not assign the customer to that tier on import.Customer's 'tiername' value is empty or null the importer will automatically check if they are in a VIP tier already, if not they will be assigned to the base tier of your VIP Program.
Customer's 'tiername' is 'basetier' they will be assigned to the bottom tier of your VIP Program.
5. Save your spreadsheet as a .CSV file
💡Quick Tip: To save a file as a .CSV, in the spreadsheet tool, this can often be found under Export to or Download as in the settings menu.
Import your customers & their VIP status to Marsello
1. In the Marsello admin, go to Customers
2. Click Update customer list
3. Drag-and-drop your CSV file to upload box
4. Select your header row, then click Next. Your header row is the row with the column headings in the spreadsheet.
5. Map your Column headings, then click Next
Match the column heading in the template field to the correct heading of your CSV file.
6. Review your import list, then click Submit
Under ‘Show all rows’ you can update this to ‘show invalid rows only’ to view all rows with errors. You can fix these rows directly from the editor to ensure they will be imported successfully.
Your customers will begin to import, updating their VIP tier status (up or down) to be your specified tier.
📝 Note: If you assign a customer(s) to a tier manually, customers will remain in the tiers unless you have updated the global settings to include VIP Tier Expiry. If you have expiry enabled, customers will remain in that tier for the remainder of the year & the next year.
Your customers' experience
The next time the customer makes a purchase in-store or online, they will earn points using their new VIP tier's earning points rules.
The customer's VIP status will be displayed on your loyalty widget earn tab. Here, they can identify how many points they've ever earned. Customers will also be able to see how many points they can earn with each purchase under the tiers tab.
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