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All CollectionsSales PlatformsWindows-based POS via the Universal POS Connector
How to add customers to your program and how to update their email and SMS opt-in using the Universal POS Widget - Staff Training
How to add customers to your program and how to update their email and SMS opt-in using the Universal POS Widget - Staff Training

This step-by-step guide will walk you through adding new customers to your loyalty program and marketing list.

Updated over 3 months ago

For Toniq & Windows-based POS merchants
Universal POS Connector

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Before you get started

Here are a few key details to note about adding customers to your program via the universal POS Widget:

  • To use Marsello on your Windows-based POS, please enable the required sites under the Integrations page.

  • Please also ensure you have installed the Universal POS Widget on every desktop you use in-store. Learn more.


How to add a new customer to your Marsello customer database

To add a new customer to your Marsello customer database, all you need to do is add the customer to the Universal POS Widget and this will automatically match the customer to the sale in Marsello.

1. Add the customer's products that they want to buy to the sale.

2. In your Windows-based POS, click the 'Person' icon on your Universal POS widget.

3. Add your new customer's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Mobile Number*

πŸ“ Note: Only First Name, Last Name, and Email address are required information for your customers to be added to your Marsello customer database. Their mobile number is optional. Should you choose to collect mobile numbers, ensure the country code is included and no other formatting such as spaces, brackets, or hyphens.

How to update the customer's accepts marketing preference

When a new customer makes a purchase in-store, the staff member will ask if they would like to create a store account. It is very important that during this process, the staff member asks the customer if they want to receive marketing sent via email and SMS.

⚠️ Important: ​By default, customers do not accept marketing, they need to opt-in to be able to receive marketing sent via Marsello.

You can easily update your customer's marketing preferences.

If the customer accepts marketing via email and SMS

  • Select the Accepts Marketing? check box from the customer's account page in POS.

πŸ“ Note: The customer's accepts marketing preference will then sync across to their Marsello profile, and the customer will be eligible to receive email and SMS marketing from your store sent via Marsello.

If the customer does not accept marketing via email and SMS

  • Please ensure the Accepts Marketing tick box remains unselected.

πŸ“ Note: This customer will not receive email or SMS marketing from your store sent via Marsello.

4. Click Register, the customer will then be added to the sale.
5. Complete the sale

How IDEAL POS Users update the customer's accepts marketing preference

When a new customer makes a purchase in-store, the staff member will ask if they would like to create a store account. It is very important that during this process, the staff member asks the customer if they want to receive marketing sent via email and SMS.

⚠️ Important: ​By default, customers do not accept marketing, they need to opt-in to be able to receive marketing sent via Marsello.

You can easily update your customer's marketing preferences.

If the customer accepts marketing via email and SMS

  • Select the Accepts Marketing? check box from the customer's account page in POS.

πŸ“ Note: The customer's accepts marketing preference will then sync across to their Marsello profile, and the customer will be eligible to receive email and SMS marketing from your store sent via Marsello.

If the customer does not accept marketing via email and SMS

  • Please ensure the Accepts Marketing tick box remains unselected.

πŸ“ Note: This customer will not receive email or SMS marketing from your store sent via Marsello.

  • Click Receipt. This will automatically sync the order's receipt to Marsello, allowing you to capture purchased data such as products. The customer will be automatically added to your Marsello customer database, including their details, accepts marketing preference, order date & total order amount.


How it works – Your customers' experience

After you have completed the sale, your customer will be added to your Marsello customer database.

  • The customer will automatically earn loyalty points for their purchase. They will also receive the Earned Points loyalty notification email (if turned on).

  • If the customer accepts marketing, they'll be able to receive your next marketing campaign and automation.


Find the new customer in your Marsello admin

After the sale is completed, the customer will automatically be added to your Marsello customer list.

πŸ“ Note: Please note that this can take up to 15 minutes for the sync to complete.

1. In your Marsello admin, go to Customers

2. Search for the customer by name or email address.

3. Click the customer's name to open their profile

Under the customer's profile, you can:

  • See profile details (name, email, mobile, and marketing status synced from the Universal POS Widget)

  • See order details (order number, date, and loyalty points calculation summary)

  • Manage their account (adjust their points balance, unsubscribe them from emails, remove them from your customer list, etc.)

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