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Receiving email & SMS marketing opt-in with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS
Receiving email & SMS marketing opt-in with Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS

Best practice to collect SMS and Email Marketing opt-in from your customers via Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) or via Marsello sign-up forms

Updated over 2 months ago

For Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS

Formerly known as Vend POS

To build a successful customer list that you can send campaigns to, it's mandatory to get the customer's permission before they can receive marketing emails and/or SMS from your store. Permission is required by International Law (including GDPR, TCPA, TCIA, & CCPA) and our Terms of Use.

As mentioned in the SMS Marketing Compliance Introduction and GDPR Introduction, to collect SMS and Email Marketing opt-in from your customers, there will be some changes that you need to make to your staff training processes for how to sign-up new customers via Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS.

Before you get started

Here are some things to know:

  • For Marsello to collect mobile numbers as subscribers for SMS messages, you will need to make sure that your staff members are asking the customer if they want to receive SMS and email marketing from your store (more details below).

  • Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS “Opt-In to Receive Marketing and Promotional Emails” consent on the customer profile will impact both email and SMS subscription. This means that if the customer accepts marketing and the staff member turn this setting on, then the customer is agreeing to receive promotional email and SMS messages from your store.

  • TCIA prohibits any illegal or improper promotion to persons under 18 years of age. Based on the practices and standards of your industry and community, you will need to discourage visitors under a certain age from creating an account at your store.​

  • In addition to that we advise you to always include the ability for customers to opt-out from receiving marketing. By default, Marsello automatically includes an 'unsubscribe' link on all email templates and 'Reply STOP to unsubscribe' on all SMS templates.

We also still encourage you to consult a legal advisor familiar with GDPR, TCPA and TCIA before gathering contacts or sending promotional emails or text messages.

How customers opt-in to marketing via Marsello's sign-up forms

Marsello's landing page form template comes with a text disclaimer that lets the customer know that by submitting the form, they are opting in to receive both transactional and promotional email and SMS messages from your store.

Default text disclaimer:

*I agree to receive transactional and promotional emails and text messages (to the email address and phone number provided). Consent is not a condition to purchase. You can opt out or change your email and SMS preferences anytime.

⚠️ Important: If you are using another app for sign-up forms, you need to update your forms to also include such a disclaimer that informs the customer that by submitting the form, they are opting-in to receive both email and SMS marketing from your store.

Capture the customer's marketing opt-in preference in-store via Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS

⚠️ Important: To use Marsello on your Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS, please enable the required sites under the Integrations page.

As mentioned in the Marketing Compliance Introduction, consumers have to provide “express written consent” before they can receive marketing via email or SMS.

When a customer makes an in-store purchase, it's important that staff ask if they want to join their database and receive marketing via email and SMS.

⚠️ Important: By default, customers do not accept marketing, and they must opt-in to receive marketing through Marsello.

The staff member can record the customer's accepts marketing preferences by following these steps:

1. Add the customer's items to the sale

2. Add your customer to the sale by searching for them by name, email address, or mobile number

3. Under Contact Information, next to Opt-In to Receive Marketing and Promotional Emails you can indicate the customer's marketing preferences.

  • If they accept marketing via email and SMS: Set the toggle to ON
    The customer will be able to receive store emails and SMS marketing via Marsello.

  • If they don't accept marketing via email and SMS: Ensure the toggle is set to OFF.
    The customer will not receive store emails or SMS marketing via Marsello.

4. Tap Save, the customer will then be added to the sale

5. Complete the sale

The customer will be automatically added to your Marsello customer database, including their details, accepts marketing preference, and sales data.


🎉 Congratulations

You can now start collecting customers' consent to receive email and SMS marketing via Marsello and Lightspeed Retail (X-Series) POS.

What's next?

As your subscriber list begins to grow, you can create marketing campaigns to help increase sales and further drive customer loyalty.

Marketing initiatives:

Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended to be educational and should not be construed as legal advice. Marsello encourages all of our users — and all merchants – to seek legal advice for counsel on how they specifically should prepare for GDPR, TCPA and TCIA.

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