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How to send discounts through email without using Loyalty
How to send discounts through email without using Loyalty

Send email discounts customers can redeem online while your loyalty program is disabled, allowing time to set it up.

Updated over a week ago

Disable Points Earning

1 In Marsello, navigate to Loyalty > Points program > Earning

2. Disable all earning options by switching the toggle to OFF for all options:

Marsello admin interface showing navigation to Loyalty > Points Program > Earning, with toggle switches turned OFF for all earning options.

Disable Rewards

1 In Marsello, navigate to Loyalty > Points program > Redeeming

2. Disable all rewards by switching the toggle to OFF

Marsello admin interface showing navigation to Loyalty > Points Program > Redeeming, with toggle switches turned OFF for all rewards.

πŸ“ Note: If your customers have already claimed any rewards, they will still be able to redeem their existing discount codes.


Update your Loyalty Widget

2. Click Tab

3. Click Tab Visibility and select None from the drop-down menu:

Marsello admin interface showing navigation to Customer Experience > Online > Online Portal (Legacy), with the 'Tab Visibility' option selected and 'None' chosen from the drop-down menu."

4. Click Save and Publish. Next, you should update the widget text to let customers know how to claim their discount code:

5. From within the Widget tab, select Customize Text/Translation and click Go to text editor

Marsello admin interface showing the 'Widget' tab with the 'Customize Text/Translation' option selected, and the 'Go to text editor' button highlighted.

6. From the drop-down menu, select the View coupon page

7. Update the Instructions text to let your customers know they need to copy and paste their code at checkout:

Marsello admin interface showing the text editor with the 'Instructions' field, where users can update the text to inform customers to copy and paste their code at checkout.

8. Click Save & Publish


Activate your Widget

1. In Marsello, navigate to Settings > Loyalty > Points program

2. Ensure your program is Active

πŸ“ Note: By following the above steps, you have ensured that your loyalty program is inactive and your customers are unable to earn points or redeem rewards.


How it works - Your customers' experience

When your customer receives an email from you with an email discount, they will be brought to your store's homepage by clicking the discount button:

They will see their discount code on your Loyalty Widget and be able to copy and paste their unique discount code at checkout to redeem their discount:

A customer email with a discount button that directs them to the store's homepage. The Loyalty Widget on the homepage displays the customer's discount code, which they can copy and paste at checkout to redeem their discount.
A customer email with a discount button that directs them to the store's homepage. The Loyalty Widget on the homepage displays the customer's discount code, which they can copy and paste at checkout to redeem their discount.

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